Course curriculum

  • 01
    Welcome to the LatinX MOOC ("Massive Open Online Course")
    Show Content
    • 5 Short Questions About You and Your Interest in this LatinX MOOC
    • Course Mission and Objectives
    • LatinX MOOC Outline
    • About the LatinX MOOC Team
    • Definitions: Disinformation, Fake News, Social Democracy, LatinX & Others
    • The LatinX MOOC is Dedicated to All American Refugees, Immigrants and Their Families
  • 02
    Let's get started!
    Show Content
    • The History: 500+ Years of USA LatinX HISTORY
    • The LatinX Numbers: Largest, Youngest and Fast Growing Group
    • The LatinX Economics: 8th Largest World GDP
    • The LatinX Political Power: Rising Majority in Key Cities and States
    • MidTerm Quiz
    • The LatinX Identity
    • The Trump Effect: How the Trump Rhetoric is Accelerating the Rise of America's Minority-Majority Social Democracy
    • The Future: Why Should You Care or Do Anything About America's LatinX Today?
    • Final Quiz
  • 03
    Next Steps...
    Show Content
    • LatinX MOOC: Certificate of Completion
    • Additional Resources For Further LatinX Learning & Research
    • Before you go...1 Question